Health and Lifestyle Counseling and Coaching

Remember when you were a young, carefree kid and you felt good all the time? Are you ready to get back to feeling your best? That is what getting healthy is all about. Ashley coaches people back to their optimal health. 

Does any of these sound like your life?

  • Chronic Pain: Issues like joint pain or headaches.

  • Fatigue: Feeling constantly tired or lacking energy.

  • Weight Management: Struggling with weight gain or loss.

  • Stress; Anxiety; Depression: Often related to work, personal life, and beyond.

  • Digestive Problems: Ie. bloating, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.

  • Sleep Disorders: Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or restless sleep.

  • Cardiovascular Issues: High blood pressure or cholesterol concerns

  • Nutritional Concerns: Poor diet, nutritional imbalance, weight loss,etc.

  • Cognitive Function: Memory issues, lack of focus, or mental clarity problems.

  • Hormonal Imbalances: Particularly common among women as they age.

  • Immune System Health: Frequent illnesses or concerns about immunity.

  • Skin Conditions: Acne, eczema, psoriasis, or other dermatological issues.

  • Chronic Illness Management: Conditions like diabetes, arthritis, or autoimmune disorders.

Health Coaching is for you if you want this: 

  • Boost Energy Levels: Improve overall energy; combat fatigue.

  • Weight Maintenance or Loss: Achieve a healthy weight w/nutrition & exercise.

  • Stress Reduction: Implement stress management techniques for mental well-being.

  • Digestive Health: Improve digestion and address bloating or indigestion.

  • Quality Sleep: Establish better sleep patterns and address sleep concerns.

  • Cardiovascular Health: Adopt healthy habits; manage blood pressure & cholesterol.

  • Respiratory Wellness: Address respiratory concerns through lifestyle changes.

  • Balanced Nutrition: Adopt a balanced and nutritious diet for overall health.

  • Cognitive Enhancement: Improve cognitive function, memory, and mental clarity.

  • Hormonal Balance: Address and manage hormonal imbalances through lifestyle.

  • Immune System Support: Strengthen the immune system & prevent illnesses.

  • Skin Health: Improve your skin through addressing internal health issues.

  • Pain Management: Alleviate & manage chronic pain through natural strategies.
  • Chronic Illness Management: Implement strategies for management though lifestyle.

Health and Wellness Guide:

For People who would like to improve their health and wellness: If you are ready to take your health back, here is a guide that can help you on your journey to discovering the first steps. Please submit your name and email in the form and you'll receive this guide to get you started on the path to healing. Your guide is right below. You will know this is the correct guide for you if you read the text above, and you want to feel healthy and vibrant like a kid! To you and your health!



Your Top 3 Pains and the solutions for how to overcome them.


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Want to explore whether we’re meant to work with each other?
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Happy Customer - Sleep quality and Overall Well Being

"When I came to Ashley I was having digestive health issues and sleep quality issues. Ashley helped address all of those. I started with a meal plan, and this helped me lose weight, then Ashley taught me how to be more flexible about food while maintaining the benefits of the initial meal plan. She suggested lifestyle changes that helped me with my sleep quality and overall well being. I am clearly a happy customer." ~Su S.


More Joy and Energy

"After working with Ashley I think about what I'm going to eat, and I'm more sensible about my choices. It’s not about being perfect. I don't exclude everything, but I'm all in on making better choices. I consciously breath more. I get sick less often. I feel more joy in my life! I always have salad, fruit, and veggies available. I drink more water and stop eating earlier at night. Overall I am so much healthier than I was before I was working with Ashley. I am sleeping so much better, and I have so much more energy. Even when the stress does hit, it doesn’t hit as hard. My life has improved and now I am having fun on the weekends instead of recuperating from the week. I didn't realize how much life I was missing out on, and now I have it back!" ~Hedy M.