Snowman Jump!

Have you ever touched someone's life and had no idea how much you meant to them? Snowman Jump is a song that I taught to my students years ago. One of my former students, Sarah, reminded me of that song the other day. She said it is the song that was her favorite of her entire Elementary School years. She was telling me this as a seventh grader and asked me if she could give me a big hug because when I was her teacher it just meant so much to her. It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I taught her music for five years and I used to invite the kids to come eat lunch with me. They were a big part of my heart. 

It's moments like these that we know we make a difference to people - big and small, sometimes more than we realize. Her eyes lit up when she saw me, and she told me that she listens to music every day. She was telling me this as a complement to me, and I received it as such.

Music Helps Heal our Soul!

Music is powerful. So very powerful. It is healing is so many ways. It heals us when we listen to it, when we make it, when we sing it, when we are surrounded by it. We are the only species that I know of that truly appreciates music. Most of us know that music can be uplifting, but did you also know that it can also enhance your memory? It can increase your neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to rearrange it's structure, function and connections after any kind of injury including, but not limited to a traumatic brain injury  which can result in having seizures. This is great news for people with dyslexia, strokes, or heck, even just getting older.

We all know when you find your jam, music just makes you feel good and we can all use a mood boost now and again - especially in the more gloomyWinter months. Music is a very safe, clean way to get your dopamine (aka the happy chemical) party anyone? My personal favorite for a quick dose of happy - Bad Medicine by Bon Jovi. What is yours? 

Cool Resources

Here are some of my favorite songs. Enjoy!

Bad Medicine by Bon Jovi My favorite pump you up song. (Not a kid appropriate video)

 La Isla Bonita by Madonna My favorite song in the world. (Not a kid appropriate video)

The Little Nash Rampler Song Such a fun song, I listen to this one for a good laugh. (Kids LOVE this video and song!)

 Oh Holy Night For the Christmas lovers - the song that always brings me to happy tears.

Upcoming Events

I will be running a free webinar about brain health in the new year. If you know anyone with Epilepsy or seizures who is looking to heal, send them my information!

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One Way My Family Connects During the Holiday Season:


One of my favorite holiday traditions is Crazy Meal during advent. We each get $5 to grocery shop (on our own), then we get back together after our purchase and go home to make a meal from whatever we chose. It's always super entertaining and tons of fun. Sometimes it even tastes good. It's always a meal filled with laughter and entertainment, and lots of good thinking. We all look forward to it and we haven't missed a year since I started the tradition when my kiddos were really young - so young they probably didn't really understand why I thought it was so fun. ;)

What is one of your favorite holiday traditions??? I'd love to hear about it!


Warm Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season, Ashley Katz

P.S. We celebrate Hannukah and Christmas at my house and we call it the Christmakkah. This was night 3 with homemade latkas and baked apples. It was delicious and everyone pitched in. :)

Ashley Katz
Joyful Healthy Connections